
The information contained in this website is not comprehensive. Despite our efforts, it may not be accurate, up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case. We have taken every reasonable precaution to ensure that the given information is reliable and safe. However, it is your sole responsibility to ensure that you follow the guidance notes appropriately and in a safe manner. You should seek professional advice from our appropriate specialist if you are unsure about any of the information contained in this website as you acknowledge that you take ultimate responsibility for any decisions you make in relation to your application and machines.

We cannot accept any liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in this website and any decisions you make or actions you take based on information contained in this website are your sole responsibility. Emulsichem Lubricants Pvt. Ltd., doesn’t accept liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of whatsoever nature arising out of access to, or the use of this website or any information contained in it. Emulsichem Lubricants Pvt. Ltd., would not remain liable for any death or personal injury resulting from our information contained in this website.